Center Marc Bloch: “Saving energy, ensuring energy supply in the context of multiple crises”

At the invitation of Center Marc Bloch (Franco-German Research Center for Social Science Research) Berlin, Germany, Member of the Board, Tamara Burenko took part in the round-table “Saving energy, ensuring energy supply” 

The panel discussion was the kick-off event in a series of symposiums organized by the research focus Environment, climate, energy of the Center Marc Bloch in cooperation and with the support of the Climate Change Center Berlin Brandenburg. 

The symposium was dealing with climate and energy policies in metropolitan areas (Berlin-Brandenburg-Paris/Île de France- Irpin/Kyiv oblast’) in the context of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. 

Researchers from Irpin, Kyiv Oblast, Paris/Île-de-France and Berlin/Brandenburg will address the question on how to face the acute energy crisis without delaying the urgently needed socio- ecological transformation in light of the climate crisis. Options of action of local and regional actors in the metropolitan areas was the focal point of the round-table.

Ukrainian power system is fully synchronised with the European power network ENTSO-E